Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Job interviews.....

Don't ya just love them? I had a job interview today in the worst snow we've had here. It went well, I think there was 3 others to interview. I do have another job so if they don't choose me then that's okay. It's just so hard to get an interview these days. I enjoyed the interview process.

Afterwords we dealt with some family issues that will hopefully get handled!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Congrats to me!

I finally did it after a year trying to lose weight I hit 30 pounds lost. *inset happy dance* I'm so excited for myself and for what I've accomplished. I've got 5.5 pounds left till my goal. I'm almost a size 5, getting back to my high school weight and I love it. Now hopefully after my surgery I can get pregnant. I hope it was my weight and the gallbladder that was keeping us from a baby.  Still have a week till Feb. and then I can go to the doctor and get my surgery set.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Busy Weekend!

Man what a weekend, my weekend isn't even over yet and I'm ready for the next. Friday I was stuck at home because of the snow. Saturday I went with Tim to his band practice and spent time with the other wives. Had such a great time didn't go to bed till 5 a.m and today was a snuggle day on the couch. Now it's back to work in the a.m and back to life.

P.S almost a week till Feb!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dang it Mark Summers & Unwrapped!

Okay it's 2:30 a.m. and Unwrapped is on. What I wouldn't give to have some mac & cheese! Seeing that I can't eat ANYTHING good till after I get my gallbladder out. This gallbladder diet really sucks. I haven't had a cheese burger, pizza, cake, etc. in over a month. And you'd think I'd be craving it and cranky. Well I was the first few weeks. Now I'm better, I do like the fruits & veggies, I always have. But dang-it I want mac & cheese!

Here's what's on there.

I can add logo making to my resume!

Here are 2 of the logo's I did for my business. They took me a while since I'm not used to working with PhotoShop. Hope you like them.

                                                                   (We decided on this one)

Friday, January 21, 2011

My weight loss journey

Well it's been over a year since I started getting healthier. I started out at 150.5 pounds on this little petite frame! I'm 5 foot tall and all belly! I hated it, I know I had enough when my pants size was 14.  I had to get in shape and lose weight if I want a baby and for it and me to be healthy.

So now I'm down 29.5 pounds and 6 pounds till my goal. I'm 121 pounds and a size 5/6 and want to get down to 115. I might even lose more than that, I'll have to see. Here are my before and after pics (so far).

December 2009                                                    December 2010

Here's what it looks like outside my house today.

It's nice to look at but not when your husband has trouble getting to work and coming home! I love snow but I'm sick of it this year. I'm so ready for SUMMER!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Feeling better today

I did sleep through the night and felt much better today, except it's snowing my hubby had to leave early because of the snow and I have a headache! I've looked for other blogs on ADD and can't find anything good.

Just found out that my husbands grandmother has bleeding on the brain and the doctors can't do anything....what's that about? So he's not here for me to comfort and talk to. The new year isn't turned out to be a very good year so far, hope it gets better. I'd like to go back to "normal".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

February can't get here fast enough!

I've felt okay for about a week and then today I started to feel pain again. Not sure if it was my gallbladder or not but I have a feeling it might have been. I'm feeling better tonight, I just hope I can sleep through the night.

Oh and I need a new cooling pad for my laptop!

Friday, January 7, 2011

This year gets even better!

Not even 6 days into the new year I go to the doctor but for what else.....a UTI! I hate those, at least it wasn't gallstone like pain :). That was a lot of money. And hopefully when we finally get insurance they will pay for that. And today we got the hospital bill that was fun!.....But at least we won't have to pay it all if we can come up with a certain amount in 30 days. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas, Crafts & Gallstones!

It's been a rough couple of weeks. The week before Christmas I was rushed to the hospital in a lot of pain. I found out I had gallstones after they did blood work, CT Scan, X-rays and a Ultrasound. Now I have to have surgery and hopefully when I get insurance they will cover my surgery. I've got to pay for the ER bill (maybe) Hope not with that as well.

For Christmas Gifts I made Soap Jars out of old blue canning jars with the metal and porcelain. I'll have to take a pic of it later and post it. And I also put together a kinda gift basket with candles and candy's and other items for people.

I hope this new year is better to me than the last!

Mine has a ribbon added to it.