Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Manage ADHD Motor Mouth at Work

I don't really have to worry about this since it's just me and 1 other person (sometimes). But I can use this in social settings.

Additude Mag

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If it's not one damn thing after another!

Well since Dec. 17 I've been sick off and on and it's not even the middle of Feb. Now I've got some sort of bug....and my gallbladder is acting up because I'm not able to eat much.

I was supposed to have a coupon class tonight, but my partner is teaching it. Thank goodness if it wasn't for her we'd have to postpone the class. I love her....thanks so much!

I really want to feel better soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Where I'm supposed to be.

Well I didn't get the job, but that's okay. Hadn't been on an interview in forever. I'm happy where I am and I'm supposed to be where I am for a little while longer. I'm glad I have the wonderful support of my family and friends....Love you all.

Now to some great news......1 more hospital bill to go. Now tomorrow I'll send the paper work in and call the surgeon and the insurance so I can get ready for surgery.  And I'm under 120 pounds!!!!! Got 4.5 pounds to go.

I read the best way to describe me and my ADD I'm a flower and I need a gardener to help me grow. Isn't that just wonderful :D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm so exhausted!

The past few weekends DH & I have been going to our friends house so DH and my friends DH can have band practice. We end up having so much fun we doing get home till 5 am the next morning! I used to be able to do that when I was a teenager, but now I just can't do it. The next day we sleep most of the day and I'm just so tired all the next day and on the Monday after. DH works 3rd shift so he's okay with that and he would go longer, but I start getting tired, red eyes, and cranky. :)

My gallbladder is doing okay right now. I'm eating a little more "junk" I shouldn't be though. As of Feb. 1st we have insurance so now I've just gotta call the insurance company and talk about a few things. I get to schedule a doctor's appt. So HAPPY! And we've got 1 hospital bill paid off now there is 3 more.

P.S. I think I really screwed up my second job interview. We'll see.